Roses are not only beautiful, but they are also highly medicinal.
Hybrid roses have reduced effectiveness, so, choose strong smelling wild or heritage roses.
Rose petals and hips are perfectly edible and not unpleasant in flavour.
Historically, they’ve been used medicinally for colds, flus, asthma, bronchitis, menstrual problems, depression, nervousness, circulation, swelling, uterine bleeding, uterine cysts, liver, gall bladder, detoxification, wounds, bruises, incisions, skin rashes, lymph drainage, pms, uterine cramping, reproductive health, eye infections, ulcers, bacterial infections of the stomach, colon or urinary tract, increase bile production, vitamin C rich, blood cooling, catarrh, diarrhea, hemorrhages, threatened abortion, indigestion, sore throat, wrinkles, bleeding, skin degreasing, pimples, acne and much more.
So Roses are not just for looking at. They’re very useful too.