Onion Weed (Allium triquetrum) pops up all over the place, and randomly in damp shady places in gardens. This weed, or herb really, is actually fully edible and also medicinal.
When eaten regularly, it enhances the bioavailability of iron and zinc. Just 70gms a day provides the RDI of vitamin K, for bone health and development.
Prebiotic onion weed makes an excellent spring onion or chive replacement, beneficial to gut flora due to high levels of lutein and folate, with a very strong flavour comparable to both garlic and onion.
The whole plant can be eaten, leaves, bulbs & flowers, and it's perfect raw. Slice the entire stalk fresh into salads and sprinkle into omelettes or pesto’s. Dig up, wash & pickle the bulbs just like you would pickled onions.
Given its sulphur content, which gives it its strong oniony smell, onion weed is believed to have similar medicinal properties to garlic & onions which includes protection against cancer, reducing cholesterol levels & antibiotic and anti-microbial effects. It acts as a digestive system tonic and also stimulates the circulatory system.
A common lookalike is ‘Snowdrops’ which is toxic, however Snowdrop has no onion smell whatsoever.
Historically onion weed has been used for stomach and digestive issues, cancer, toothache, boils, eczema, rheumatism, lymphatic support, Alzheimer’s, stomach ulcers, bacterial diseases and much more.
So this little herb is not just a pretty face.