Miner’s Lettuce is vitamin C rich and was used for prevention of scurvy.
It has high levels of anti-inflammatory Omega-3 fatty acids that counter the negative effects of LA Omega-6 fats and their derived oils.
Gold miners of the past soon learned of the life supporting qualities of this pretty little wild herb and from them came its common name of Miner’s Lettuce.
Historically it’s also been used as a medicinal plant, as an external poultice for rheumatic pain and the juice as an appetite restorer and diuretic.
It’s a blood purifying herb that fortifies and filters blood and lymph systems.
It may be a great detoxifier for eliminating environmental toxins and heavy metals from the liver.
This might be a great little tasty herb to add to your salads.
It’s not meant to be complicated to be well, nor is it meant to be expensive.