Kūmarahou is an herb prized by Maori.
It is native to New Zealand and can be found growing wild often on coastal or low land and often even on roadsides.
Kūmarahou flowers contain saponins, which are natural surfactants that produce a foamy lather, which can gently cleanse. It was commonly known as “gum diggers soap”.
Kūmarahou is a blood purifier and has been used historically for liver and kidney function and for detoxifying, bronchitis, colds, flus, sore throats, rheumatism, gout, indigestion, sores, skin cancer, wounds, rashes, skin irritations, scalds, burns, sunburns and as a general tonic for the whole body.
Nature can provide us with everything we need to be well, and has done since the beginning of our time.
It’s not meant to be complicated to be well, nor is it meant to be expensive.