Ginger has been used for more than 2,000 years, by some cultures, to treat all manner of stomach and digestive upsets. It’s still used in food for this purpose, as well as for flavour, to this day. It’s one of the most used dietary condiments in the world.
Ginger is loaded with antioxidants that prevent stress and damage to your body's DNA and may help your body fight off chronic diseases such as diseases of the heart and lungs, while promoting healthy aging.
Historically, it has also been used in medicine for other conditions such as colds, nausea, arthritis, migraines, and hypertension, morning sickness, indigestion, cellular damage, heart issues, blood sugar regulation, inhibition of bacterial growth, high cholesterol, arthritis, fever and much more.
Step up ginger in your meals. It’s really really good for you and super tasty.
It’s not meant to be complicated to be well, nor is it meant to be expensive.