Blackberries are packed with vitamins, minerals, fibre and antioxidants, including Vitamins C & K and manganese, which are essential for good health.
They have traditionally been used to reduce inflammation and prevent many diseases, including cancer. They’ve also been used traditionally for diarrhoea, fluid retention, diabetes, gout, pain and swelling (inflammation), throat irritation, to eliminate free radicals that damage cells, and as antioxidants, they can help prevent lifestyle diseases. They also aid in the protection and strengthening of immunity.
Blackberry has also been used for anaemia, menses, dysentery, cystitis, haemorrhoids, whooping cough, colitis, toothache, psoriasis, mouthwash against thrush, gum inflammations, mouth ulcers, heart health and brain function.
They contain the compound ellagitannin, which stops the spread and growth of the intestinal parasite Giardia.
These little powerhouses of goodness are soooooo yummy too.
So eat up and enjoy as many as you can while they are in season.
It’s not meant to be complicated to be well. Nor is it meant to be expensive.