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The information provided on this website is intended for educational purposes only. The information provided is not considered to be complete and is not guaranteed to be accurate. The information contained in this website is not intended to be sufficient to provide diagnosis and/or treatment of medical conditions. It is recommended that treatment of serious health conditions be done with the help of a trained medical practitioner.

"I think your magnesium spray might be the only thing keeping me alive at the end of this pregnancy. If I forget to use it I am up and down to the toilet, severe cramps in my feet and calves and my hands going numb and tingly. I wake up tired and groggy and am foul with my kids. If I use it before bed I sleep like a log and never wake up and I feel more vibrant, my kids get more mum time before baby comes along. It’s such a simple thing but it’s actually changing this whole experience for me. I am going to require this in IV form for the afterpains please""

- Amy -

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